Pipe Flashing

Go to Dektite Flashing l Bonded Washer Screws l Dektite Resistance Specs



Dektite Flashing - Round and Square




1/4" - 2" DEK #1
1 1/4" - 3" DEK #2
1/4" - 4" DEK #3
3" - 6" DEK #4
4" - 7" DEK #5
5" - 9" DEK #6
6" x 11" DEK #7
7" - 13" DEK #8
10" - 18" DEK #9
13" - 26" MAX

High Temp Silicone



1/4" - 2" DEK #1
1 1/4" - 3" DEK #2
1/4" - 4" DEK #3
3" - 6" DEK #4
4" - 7" DEK #5
5" - 9" DEK #6
6" x 11" DEK #7
7" - 13" DEK #8
10" - 18" DEK #9
13" - 26" MAX


Dektite Screw                                                                                                   Return to Top

Size Type P/N

12 x 1" w/ Bonded Washer DEK1-1214





Dektite Resistance Specifications



Advance Ozone Resistance tested to:

70 hr @ pphm

70 hr @ pphm
Intermittent High Temperature Resistance tested to: +135oC (+275oF) +260oC (+500oF)
Continuous High Temperature Resistance tested to: +100oC (+212oF) +225oC (+437oF)
Low Temperature Resistance tested to: -55oC (-65oF) -74oC (-100oF)
Tensile Set Maximum: 10MPa (1450 psi) 5MPa (700 psi)
Compression Set Maximum: 25% 50%


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